Last we heard of Madi Foster, she was humming a very simple folk song called “White Lines”, but she has now dropped another emotional indie folk song that should be listened to by your thoughtful ears. “Sun & Moon (driving in the morning)” starts at the beginning with that very familiar sound, the sweet strum of an acoustic guitar, supported by a lead guitar bathing in reverb, and providing space for Foster to sing, which is powerful and honest. This song clearly uses the sun and the moon as metaphors for the two sides of a relationship, one rising while the other sets. Of course, they cannot exist without each other. However, through the voice of an empathetic young adult, the story will be looked at with a fresh pair of eyes. This track will easily become part of any playlist which is dedicated to the love that exists today, the love that was once, and the love that never will be.Have a listen:
Madi Foster – Sun & Moon