Scotland’s Made Of Eyes have dropped out new track called “Palms” as a part their upcoming EP that will be released in 2023. The band is planning on releasing the second single at the end of the month, therefore we thought it was time to go over their song for the month of July. After they contacted us, they said they had injected their heart and soul into this song, and after the song played, we feel that they were telling the truth. “Palms” is simply incomprehensible of the way it creates a massive sound that occupies the entire audible space, which is more than a trio should be able to achieve. It’s the kind of music which might make you wonder how on earth they play it live without adding several musicians to their line-up or maybe using backing tracks – or maybe I am mistaken and they are perfectly capable of doing it. A well-balanced and superb use of vocal harmony is employed to further enhance the epic impression created by the already cinematic performance.
Made Of Eyes – Palms and FVM