Lorenzo & Co – When We Meet

It’s been a little over two weeks since the release of When We Meet, a new LP by Lorenzo & Co that is brimming with songs that are catchy and have a sort of a sweet nostalgic feeling. I do not say this in a derogatory manner. It is just that by ‘old school’ I mean the best of the ‘90s. If you don’t remember the term ‘grunge’, this is music that will make you happy while you are waiting for your other sister to get off the phone in order to log into AOL.Wait, sorry. What is it? I think I’m reliving this moment now! Hey, guys are awesome, they play perfectly, sounding really cool and writing good tunes. When I listen I come to the conclusion that the only thing missing is my friends and better speakers. I would mention the passages, but the album is just a master piece. Peer pressure is a powerful force, and I don’t want to be accused of not doing a proper review. That’s why I will only say that the ending of “Passerby” is delightful, the falsetto in “You’re Invited” is amazing, and the LP in general is perfectly blended in terms of grooving, jangling, and singing.