BEN KONAROV – I Could Never Be Sick Of You

Ben Konarov’s brand new single, “I Could Never Be Sick Of You,” is a high-spirited and thrilling rock song that reflects the core of rock music of the past through The Police and U2. The team of lyricist Ben Konarov, composer/producer Gary Cubberley, and vocalist Clay Collins make this track lively and lighthearted with their funny lyrics and jazzy composition to make it a catchy tune that one can sing along with.

The achievement of their last hit “Made A Mark,” which was number four on the AMRAP Metro Charts, is followed by this track, which is another example of their skill in mixing up the musical parts with the lyrics that talk about society’s problems. The production is the epitome of perfection, with the Collins’ vocals and the eternity of the instrumentation produced by Cubberley.

“I Could Never Be Sick Of You” is an absolute hit! The rhythm is catchy and the chorus is so catchy that it is hard for anyone to get sick of it! This song is not only entertaining but also touches upon the sensitive issues of human relationships and social matters subtly and engagingly which is packed in the rock package.