This statement has been heard for a long time from the writers of the most striking pop songs who say they wrote them in a matter of minutes.“Kool” is no exception. Located in Austin, the indie rockers from the band Bottlecap Mountain release their first single from their 2022 album, Fib Factory. This is the song written by Stewart Gersmann on acoustic guitar in only few minutes. It really reminds me the specific time and place from my childhood. The lyrics describe the memories that are similar to “Time of My Life” by Social Distortion but the music is different. In contrast to “Kool” that has an upbeat feeling, ours has a dirtier and more depressing sound, but not necessarily in a bad way. It will be good to have some dirty and depressing sounds too, and if that isn’t too much, it is “Kool.” We think that 2 minutes and 25 seconds of Gersmann’s life is reasonable enough to give people the picture of his
Bottlecap Mountain – Kool